Peanut Butter Edible Cookie Dough — Amoretti Skip to content
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Amoretti Peanut Butter Edible Cookie Dough

Peanut Butter Edible Cookie Dough

We couldn't do a month of cookies without an edible cookie dough recipe! Our Peanut White Chocolate Spread adds major creaminess, we could seriously finish the jar off with a spoon. Cut in cute 4-bite bars like this, it's the perfect treat to bring out on warm evenings. For the days it's just too much work to preheat the oven, here's our favorite Peanut Butter Cookie Dough!



  1. Bake flour at 350℉ for 5-7 minutes, cool completely.
  2. Cream butter, salt and sugars together.
  3. Add Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla to butter/sugar mixture.
  4. Sift the baked flour into the mixture and combine.
  5. Add Peanut White Chocolate Spread and mix to combine thoroughly.
  1. Spread the cookie dough evenly onto a parchment-lined sheet pan and freeze for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut into squares and freeze 5 minutes before striping with dark chocolate.
  1. Scoop balls of dough onto a sheet pan and freeze for 10 minutes.
  2. Roll each ball of dough in Natural Cinnamon Dusting Powder twice for a good coating.
  • Baking the flour makes it safe to consume (remember all those pesky flour recalls a while back?) so you can enjoy your "raw" cookie dough with abandon!
Amoretti Recipe: Peanut Butter Edible Cookie Dough Amoretti Peanut Butter Edible Cookie Dough Recipe Amoretti Peanut Butter Edible Cookie Dough Recipe with chocolate drizzle
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